Sukiyaki and shabu-shabu are beloved both in Japan and around the world. This time, the OMAKASE editorial team, a Michelin official partner, highlights seven must-visit restaurants in Ginza where you can savor these dishes.
Would you like to enjoy authentic sushi establishmentsand high-end restaurants in Tokyo's Nihonbashi? Nihonbashi is the heart of sushi culture, with many restaurants ranging from Michelin-starred establishments to the latest in creative cuisine. In this article, the editorial team from OMAKASE, an official Michelin partner, will introduce sushi and French restaurants you can enjoy in Tokyo.
The numerous Michelin-star restaurants in Ginza each offer its own unique culinary experience. The first half of this article aims to guide you through the 10 best places to eat in Ginza where reservations are easier to make. the latter half of this article will walk you through eight restaurants in Ginza which are renowned nationwide for their high acclaim.